Hello!! My name is Ayanna Edwards, and I am the founder of MyPowerMom.com!
By day, I am a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), working in the field of Engineering.
But by night, I have my most important job yet. I am the married working mom of three beautiful, wonderful/ frustrating, active children, and planning has been essential such that I can do BOTH jobs well!
Though I’ve always been a planner, I didn’t really understand how to utilize it until I started working professionally and became a mother. It took catching up with a childhood friend for me to realize it’s value.
At the time I was a stay-at-home mom living in a new city. I shared with my friend how I organized my week to accomplish cleaning, cooking, and play dates using meeting notices, software, and spreadsheets. And despite the rambunctiousness of my little ones, things were getting done… AND I was able to still have time with my boys and my husband. She, who was a Project Manager at the time, asked me “Have you ever considered going into Project Management (PM)? You’d be great at it!”
And at that moment… the PM seed was planted and would become my passion, second only to Motherhood.
Then life threw me a curve ball… my husband’s job loss, a coast to coast relocation, the loss of one of our parents, and the unexpected pregnancy of my 3rd child all happened within a 6-month period of time. All I could think was “God, how could you put so much on me… I’m just not that strong!”
Over time, I came to understand that God had long ago given me the faith and the skills I’d need to organize and overcome chaos and uncertainty. Furthermore, He had put me on the path to professional experience and training to cultivate it. I began to find that the strategies from my job were working for our family as well. Additionally, discussions with other moms, helped me to realize that I wasn’t the only mother out here struggling with these issues.
I strongly believe that what happens in your life, isn’t just for YOU to GO THROUGH, but FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO be able to GROW THROUGH. So if I can share just one thought, strategy, or tool that can calm the overwhelm of another WORKING MOM, then they too, can BE EMPOWERED.
And with that belief, MyPowerMom.com was born!
It is my hope that you will find SOMETHING HERE that EMPOWERS YOU to overcome the challenges of daily life, and walk into your very own PowerMom abilities. So Explore, Try, and Share…
Turn MY Project Managing, into YOUR Project Mommying!